A review by rusticreadingal
Huntress by Julie Hall


I'm a huge paranormal/fantasy lover, but I don't normally gravitate towards books with demons because, well... they're terrifying and I really don't like being scared. But I kept hearing about how amazing Huntress was, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm so happy that I did! What an absolutely amazing book! I could hardly put it down and certainly didn't want to leave it when life interrupted. I was hooked from the very first line. Time slipped away from me. I'd be totally and completely immersed in the book, look up and be shocked by how much time had passed. Everything except for this book, faded away. I was sucked into these pages, this world, totally and completely absorbed into it.

The world building was absolutely stunning. The writing was superb, so descriptive, painting a beautiful picture of the scenery and surroundings. I felt like I was right there, feeling all the same emotions as Audrey. There was action, danger, romance, friendship, laughter, hope. There were times when I'd feel so hopeful, so good, so light, so happy. It was such a wonderful feeling! And the chapter titled 'God'... WOW... breathtaking! There were also times when I felt scared, anxious, and a bit hopeless, but those feelings never lingered for long. The overwhelming love of God always emerged victorious, banishing the dark emotions. There was a wonderful message about putting all our insecurities, fears, doubts, etc. aside and placing all of our trust in God.

Audrey's a stubborn, but strong and fierce young woman. She's pretty much thrown into this new world with little to no explanations and has to figure everything out for herself. It was super discouraging for her at times, but the journey she goes on was so great to read! Logan was frustrating and moody at times, but a hard worker with a good heart. And I can't forget to mention Romona! She's such a great friend!

A couple of my favorite quotes are: “There is always a plan, a bigger picture, even if you don't understand at first. Despite how it might appear, how you might even feel, you are never alone, not for one single moment.” and “God uses all situations for good in the end, but we have the freedom to royally screw up. In fact, sometimes it's those screw-ups that lead us back to God.”

Huntress is a very strong contender for the best book I've read this year! I did not want to leave the stunning world Julie Hall created. I am so glad book two, Warfare, is already out. I'm ready to delve right into it!