A review by belladonna_loves_to_read
Slut by Jettie Woodruff


4.5 Stars

[b:Suit|26125352|Suit (The Twin Duo, #1)|Jettie Woodruff|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1441372361s/26125352.jpg|46074369], book one in The Twin Duo series, completely messed with my head and left me with questions and theories galore. I’ve been sitting on my hands, not so patiently waiting for Slut, ever since. And it did not disappoint.

Picking up right where Suit left off, Gabby is on her own, with no resources, and not sure who to trust. Desperate to find answers to her past and what happened to her twin sister, she turns to Nick, a renowned psychologist and hypnotist, in an effort to get to the truth. But will the answers give her peace or are some truths best left forgotten?

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Paxton… Oh, Paxton. He’s one of those characters you love to hate and hate to love. I swear I had emotional ADD when reading this book. One minute he could be so tender and vulnerable, then the next he was an absolute monster. As the answers started to trickle in and showed all of his flaws, I couldn’t help but love him… And then feel guilty that I did.

There were a few new characters that added a lot to this book. Nick and Mi, in particular. As the ultimate odd couple, their constant bickering was hilarious and served to lighten an incredibly dark mood. Mi was feisty and fun, but she was also wise. Her new agey advice and sympathetic shoulder helped Gabby stay focused on what was important to her.

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This book had me doing everything from shouting at my Kindle and slapping my forehead, to gasping in horror (what happens at 54% totally did me in). In the end, did I get all of my questions answered? No, but most of them were. And, even though I think those lingering questions are fitting, I can’t wait to get my hands on the novella to see if I can get a few more pieces to the puzzle.

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