A review by fortunata
The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka


This was a great book, but the last half was a difficult read. I put off reading the last 10% solely because I feared what came next, but eventually pushed through my own personal apprehensions.

I had no context going into this book except that others had enjoyed this quick read. If I had known prior that this book was heavily focused on dementia, I might not have read it due to the difficulties my own family has faced with this condition and some of the issues hitting too close to home.

That being said, this book was an immense pleasure to read. Julie Otsuka beautifully details this story of memory loss and the impact it has on all. She created such vivid impressions of her mother throughout the story that made progressing through her health decline difficult, despite knowing the end was inevitable.

Will I read this book again? I'm not sure. It might be too difficult to stir up those memories and feelings again. But I did enjoy it, and perhaps I'll be ready again someday.