A review by captwinghead
Green Arrow, Vol. 3: Emerald Outlaw by Benjamin Percy


** received ARC copy from DC and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **

4.5 stars.

So, this is probably my third favorite Rebirth series after Super Sons and Detective Comics. I am in love with this version of Oliver Queen and that’s particularly amazing to me because my only real introduction to this character is his brief appearances in Young Justice and that terrible version of him in CW’s Arrow. I get why he may be off putting to some people: Benjamin Percy set out to make Oliver an unapologetic Social Justice Worker and he ran with it. However, that’s precisely what I appreciate about him. There’s even a scene here where he takes down a violent police officer and I don’t have to explain how relevant that is to today’s time. Oliver wants to help everyone, he stays in his lane and he listens to the people he’s trying to protect and that makes him a fantastic hero! It also makes him incredibly attractive to me but that’s not the point.

This picks up where the last one left off: Oliver’s company has been taken over by corrupt business men and he’s fled Seattle to try to fix it. He’s building a treehouse in the woods with Diggle and Dinah. These scenes are pretty cute as they talk about what to do next and Ollie worries over Emi. As this is happening, the public is questioning whether Green Arrow is someone they should praise or arrest. Then, green arrows are found in several of these people discussing Ollie’s work. It’s a frame up and Ollie has to find out whodunit.

As a plot, this has been done before in some capacity in Batman and I’m sure it’s been done to other heroes. It’s still interesting, though. Ollie and Dinah try to investigate who’s trying to frame him and avoid the police at the same time. There’s a lot of emphasis placed on Ollie’s name in this book. He’s “technically” dead to the public with the family biz in the wrong hands so his real name is tarnished. He’s being framed for several murders so Green Arrow is tarnished. He’s just trying to clear his name, both of them and that’s an okay theme for this book.

Emi doesn’t really show up for a while which is a shame because I really like that character. I feel like she only works with Ollie for like two issues in this series. Still, I love her relationship with Oliver. She saves his butt quite a few times in this series.

The conclusion to the frame up plot is pretty satisfactory. Probably the most satisfactory out of the last 2 arcs, in my opinion. This ends on a cliffhanger for the next arc and I’m really excited for it!

I’ve been really loving this series, so far! The art is wonderful, Ollie is a fantastic character and I adore Emi! I’m still iffy on Rebirth Dinah but she’s growing on me, I guess.

Definitely a recommend from me!