A review by apageinthestacks
Aquaman, Volume 1: The Trench by Geoff Johns


I've never thought Aquaman was particularly lame. To be fair, I've never read anything with him or really had any introduction to him at all except for various things that I heard. One was how much he was ridiculed (i.e. the way The Big Bang theory treats him, for one), but underneath all that I've always had a thought of him as being this awesome super-powered being who lives underwater (which is basically what he is in the New 52). Add that to the casting of Jason Momoa, and I've been excited for that movie ever since, even though I still knew next to nothing about the character except for random feelings that had absolutely no basis.

Well, Aquaman is awesome. Even moreso than I thought he would be. I loved the main villains of this (very Lovecraftian, which is never a bad thing), and it really did a great job of making a very un-respected hero into someone incredibly cool. I suppose one nitpick would be that there was a little more telling than showing I would've liked (especially in the "Aquaman is cool" department), but overall it was really enjoyable and he did have great moments. This may just be my favorite New 52 title after Scott Snyder's Batman that I've read so far (which granted, I haven't read all that many titles, but Aquaman being able to hold his own against the utterly amazing Batman run of Snyder is really saying something).

I'm so glad that my feelings of Aquaman being low-key awesome were justified, and I can't wait to read more.