A review by catincaciornei
Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization by Branko Milanović


Interesting, narrowly focused on inequality, practically an annotated research paper with heavy use of statistical models. First of all, it's important to mention that a 5-start rating system such as this on Goodreads is superficial; it doesn't allow expression of the shades involved in reading, understanding and reviewing a book. My 5-star rating here shows nowhere near the enthusiasm I held for other books before; but how to review otherwise an in-depth eye-opening game-changing study into one of economy's hottest subjects? This was not an easy book to go through, not because the explanations were difficult (they were not) or the language complex (it was not), but because it was sometimes tedious and repetitive (like I said, a research paper). It's likely quite sterile for an outsider to the economic field; even connections to policy are few and far in between. But I've been warranted that the statistical models used are some of the most complete ever put together, and Mr. Milanovic is an authority in this succulent field of inequality studies.