A review by ezichinny
Dead By Midnight: An I-Team Christmas by Pamela Clare


I am impressed at how entertaining this not so fun holiday party of the I-team turned out to be.
It started off fancy, a Christmas party at a hotel and quickly turned into most of the team being held as hostages.

The story was action packed, typical teamwork, loyalty and support. And of course you can't have a Pamela Clare novel without a good number of sex scenes. It was well written and Kaleo Griffith did a great job as the narrator.

I still don't buy Holly as this kick ass operative after 6 books of being a ditzy airhead, but the author is clearly trying to sell it. I can accept that she is resourceful, not as super spy Nikita.

The main difference with this novel was it wasn't built around an undercover assignment necessary for the paper. I liked it eve more than the last couple of books. A great addition to this series.