A review by d_night
The Sunken City by Emma V.R. Noyes


This book felt like it had so much potential when I first picked it up. The general writing style was good, but that is where the buck stops for me.

The main protagonist Amare is the stereotypical over testosteroned female main character who has to play with the big boys. She throws her weight around in an irritatingly overstated way that just doesn't make sense for the espoused hierarchal system that, however unstable, appears to exist in her world. She has no speech malformation even though she is raised amongst people with muddled accents all because she reads books and had a man who taught her periodically... okay.

My problems with the story go on to include her first few minutes in the underwater kingdom (I could not prevail over myself to keep reading I found her so irritating). Here Amare is supposed to be a very intelligent girl and yet acts like an absolute idiot in her first interaction with the sea people. I mean threatening the king’s life in the first few seconds of talking to a guy you know doesn't even like you, really?

There was also a growing level of profanity and even though I have a decent tolerance I couldn't stand how many gratuitous and frankly thoughtless GD's were starting to be thrown in. I mean really, the D word by itself is enough, you don't need to include God.

I am more disappointed in books where I feel I will like them then don't, then those I have few expectations for. So, in a way, my utter dissatisfaction should be a kind of complement.

I don't expect authors to write the way I might have if presented with a story. I also do not expect the story to go every perfect way I would most enjoy. I understand creative writing is creative and that that expresses itself through the general tone, voice, and other qualities within a given book. However, there were just too many things that needed further thought. She might be a rash character, but she was also supposed to be smart, or at least that is what I understood. I just can't forgive this kind of sloppiness.

I gave the book a two star because I felt the general writing was good, but over all it is not my cup of tea.