A review by paragraphsandpages
Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston


“She was a girl born in fire and raised in the stars, and she would burn against the darkness.”

Stars (Out of 10): 8/10 Stars

Favorite Character: Di!

Spoiler Free: Overall, this book kept surprising me with how well developed it felt! I haven’t read this author’s other book yet, but this really makes me want to!

This book was chock full with action and plot! The first 25% of the book could’ve been an entire book on its own almost, in terms of quantity of plot and action. For the most part, I loved the fast pace and the way this book constantly kept me on my toes, but I can also see how it’s super overwhelming/overdoes the twists, and it keeps getting harder and harder to surprise the reader. Additionally, nothing that happened was all that surprising, but I do like the set up this book does for the rest of the series (especially the villain!!)

In terms of world and characters, I also felt the author did a fairly good job! She tackled a very complex world with many races/ideologies that all were an important part of the story, as well as a sea of different characters as well. While at points some things were under explained or certain characters were not given enough meaning before their death, I was overall quite impressed with the author’s general ability to show and not just tell!

I honestly cannot wait until the next book, and am excited to see where the plot continues to go!

Careful! Spoilers beyond this point!

SpoilerOnly thing I wanna say here is that I really like where the story is going with the romances. For the first 75% of the book, it all felt like it was coming together so easily. But now I know that Jax sacrifices his life whenever he touches/kisses Robb, and Di and Ana are in a super tough situation at the moment (understatement much?) I just love the fact that we are already given pairings to cheer for, and now get to see them struggle (hopefully together instead of apart!)