A review by moonbites
Spider-Man: The Fantastic Spider-Man by Dan Slott, Christos Gage


3.5 star rounded up to a 4 star

I thought I would round up my rating v.s. round down like I usually do because as a whole I did enjoy this collection. I hovered around liking it and really liking it, mostly because some of these baddies were just down-right RIDICULOUS
Seriously, I was not feeling some of the bad guys in this collection. I particularly did not like Psycho Man...

Yeah, his powers are cool, he manipulates your own doubt, fear, and hate. But, I just cant get over the resemblance to Darkseid and maybe the resemblance is just me... I just think Psycho Man is an all-around un-creative character.

I happen to think (since I am comparing the two in my head) that Darkseid is much more of a badass, he is on the same level as Superman. And Psycho Man spends his time fighting a group of kids and Spider-man? Now the group of kids were cool. I enjoyed the team up with them and Spidey.

I am a sucker for young superhero groups. My love for the Teen Titans, Young Avengers, the Power Pack, and the team up in Ultimate Spider-man of teenage Spidey, Luke Cage, Iron fist, White Tiger, and Nova is a testament to that. So, when the appearance of a young superhero squad, that I am not familiar with, made it's way into the comic I was thrilled. After reading this issue I will probably check out the Avengers Academy comics now. Thank you Spider-Man collection.

As a whole, the stories where a lot of fun. I don't read much FF, but I enjoyed reading about them and would love to read more into their comics and read more Ghost Rider. Yeah, Spidey and Ghost Rider team up in this too, I liked it. I also love Carlie Cooper, Spider-Man's gf in this collection, hate her with Pete though. I seriously hate Peter Parker's never ending love interests, I like Spider-Man sometimes really hate Peter. When will these girls realize Peter Parker makes a horrible boyfriend... the world may never know.

I do think that if you want fun adventures starring the wise-cracking and lovable big-baby Spider-man, then this would be a good collection for you to read. I personally love team ups, I read close to all the Superior Spider-man team ups and adored them. Spidey is a lot of fun when he is adding the comedic relief in a team up. In those instances when he isn't being his angst ridden self I remember why I love him.