A review by shelvedthoughts
The Changeup by Megan Cousins


Reader’s Notes:

– this is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone

– this is told from Jenna & Marcus’s points of view

– Jenna deals with arthritis & chronic pain and uses aids in her day to day life due to it

– Marcus deals with the rift between him and his father due to his parent’s divorce and his choices in life that they didn’t agree on (past events, but this does get resolved!)


This is my first book by Megan Cousins and I really enjoyed it! I can’t wait to go back and read the first book while I wait for the rest of the series! I loved Jenna and Marcus and how much they nerded out about science throughout the book. (While I didn’t understand quite a bit of the science, I did like that it didn’t detract from the story and I learned some new things which was cool!) I also loved Jenna and Marcus’s banter and their general comfort around each other. I loved that they could be themselves and grew to know each other a little bit differently over the course of their road trip and volunteering. I loved the little things Marcus would do for Jenna, even the ones she didn’t realize he did right away. It was so sweet of him! I loved that Jenna made science and hikes fun for her family and the people that she took on hikes. I also loved that she stepped up in her volunteer position and took over where there was lack. I loved that she took care of the people around her, especially when it made people flock to her in favor of a not-so-nice supervisor. I also loved the banter with her family and how they accepted Marcus from the get go. Some of my favorite scenes included: the bet and winnings for it, Marcus fishing with Aiden, times they spent with Marcus’s dad & her family, the bears, and the last couple of scenes (starting when Jenna’s brothers come down).


Jenna and Marcus have been best friends since their first class together in college and their friendship has only grown over the years. Now, Jenna thinks she is falling for him, which could be a problem. Why? One: They are best friends and he might not feel the same way. Two: They were both accepted to a fellowship that will end in someone being offered a job there. If one of them is offered the job and they both want it, what will it do to their friendship? Three: And most importantly, they will both be living in the same apartment for the next three months during their time volunteering with the fellowship. Things could get awkward real fast if Jenna isn’t careful.

Marcus has been in love with his best friend for awhile now. He knew that Jenna’s ex was no good for her but he couldn’t say anything for fear that she’d buckle down and refuse to listen. But now they are both single and about to be spending a lot more time together. Maybe it’s finally time to let Jenna know just how he feels. Marcus will have ample opportunity to do so with working at the fellowship and living in the same apartment as her. And if he holds it in any longer, Marcus may just burst like the geysers he’ll be studying…