A review by avocadomilquetoast
The Great Showdowns by Scott Campbell


What would be a good name for a Goodreads List of books of content that you could easily find online?
Not to say that's a bad thing. I do think there's something more appealing about flipping the pages of The Great Showdowns as opposed to scrolling down and clicking through pages of Scott C's Tumblr feed for it. And I didn't even know about this at all until spotting it on the shelf at the library, anyway. Maybe my best argument for opting for the book would be that if you are introduced for the first time to Campbell's charmingly simple character watercolors via the website, you run the risk of getting so hooked to wanting to see more and more that by the time you've seen them all it's already the next morning and you have not slept at all. The hardcover, on the other hand, gives you a more reasonable dosage.