A review by lanidon
Only When It's Us by Chloe Liese

Did not finish book.


Dnf @31%

Read because one mc is deaf, but I didn't like the portrayal. I don't think the author considered how isolating it is to have phones be the only means of communication someone has. The family is clearly supposed to be loving and supportive, but in two years since losing his hearing not one of them has learned sign language or encouraged him to do so. At least the author acknowledged that hearing aids and lip reading don't magically solve things, but I don't think a real deaf person was consulted

Also the romance just didn't connect for me. I hate when literally the entire foundation of a relationship is sexual attraction. They both talk about finding the other hot seventeen times per page yet there's nothing else. No admiration of strength through hardship, no shared sense of humor, no bonding over their love of similar foods. It's not a romance if there's nothing romantic, they're just horny

I'm going to give one more in this series a shot though because I've heard such good things about it as a whole. Hopefully just a rough start

Update: found out the hearing impairment gets magically fixed later on instead of learning to adapt to it. Glad I didn't finish, fuck this book