A review by megatsunami
The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman


I found the essential paradigm of this book to be very helpful and worthwhile to explore. I'm curious to check out the books about this topic for parents of children and teens.

I thought I'd be put off by the religiousness of this book but actually for the most part it wasn't too over-the-top. Except for the total assumption of heterosexual marriage as the only valuable way of having relationships. Oh yeah, that. That was obnoxious.

The chapter where he helps a woman in an emotionally abusive relationship to use the love language skills to "be a better wife" since her husband is not willing to make any changes = f'ed up. (And in notable contrast to his earlier explanation of why you should explain to your partner that you will not be a doormat in your relationship and are choosing to love yourself enough not to be treated that way.)