A review by readingqueen
Among the Fair Magnolias: Four Southern Love Stories by Dorothy Love, Shelley Gray, Elizabeth Musser


Four southern love stories ranging from before and after the civil war, Under the Fair Magnolias is another interesting read for romance fans and short story lovers. With some of my favorite authors and such a beautiful cover, I couldn’t pass it up. Shelley Gray, Dorothy Love, Tamera Alexander, and Elizabeth Musser have each written interesting, heartwarming tales of sweet romance.

To Mend a Dream by Tamera Alexander is a short story written about Savannah Darby, a minor character from Tamera’s book To Win Her Favor. I believe I said before in my review of To Win Her Favor that I wanted to know where Savannah’s story would go, so I was thrilled to find out that this story was hers. To Mend a Dream was easily my favorite of the four.

Love Beyond Limits by Elizabeth Musser was my second favorite. This story features more of the ugliness that was happening around the time, so there’s more of a realness to the historical setting. I admired the bravery of Emily Derracott.

An Outlaw’s Heart by Shelley Gray and A Heart So True by Dorothy Love were also well written, although I felt like I was missing something. Most everything was explained and did work as short stories, but it wasn’t quite enough for me.