A review by wildgurl
The Truths We Hold: An American Journey by Kamala Harris


The Truths We Hold:An American Journey
by Kamala Harris
4.5 / 5.0

Inspiring and motivating, this book shares Kamalas commitment to community, justice and being honest and upfront.
Kamalas rise from internship in Oakland to being District Attorney of San Francisco is truly amazing. She shares her formation of Back On Track, a program for nonviolent offenders in prison, adopted by Obama. Her call to reform the bail system and racial bias in police departments, Elementary School Truancy, mortgage/ foreclosure fraud and immigration reform are important issues, for her and for.us, as a community of people.
Health care and mental health care need reform, our wage/ salary limits need to be revised and our cybersecurity should be the biggest issues today. She is not afraid of the truth, or being transparent.
Harris dedication and support of her family, esp when her mother was diagnosed with cancer, is touching. I love her vision of a more equal, inclusive and honest world for all of us. I feel I understand her and her platform, her beliefs and vision much more after reading.
There are many reasons to support her- it will be refreshing to see someone of substance running for President. We've needed one for several years now!