A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
No Gravestone Left Unturned by Gena Showalter, Jill Monroe


When I first saw that they were looking for arc readers for this book, I was afraid I was too busy. But, when the question appeared on my timeline again it felt like a sign. I really loved the first book in this series. I will get the paperback edition of this book as soon as it's available anyway, so it was hard to say no to a chance to already read it in advance. And today, in the train and in the bus to and from work, I had once again a lot of fun with Jane and her friends.

We can discuss if Jane is actually good at being a detective. Her mind has already jumped to a lot of conclusions before she even found the tiniest clue and her research is not very structured and for sure not always legal, but her enthusiasm and how determined she is to find out who did it and to solve the case is endearing and most of all contagious. I think I can read a thousand more Jane Ladling mysteries and I will never grow bored.

That's also because the cases are quite nice and are actually, despite Jane being quite chaotic in her research, very well written and constructed. Since Jane jumps from conclusion to conclusion and changes her theory constantly it's impossible to know for sure who did it and yet the hints and clues are all there. However, it seems that there's also this bigger story arc, spanning over more than one book. I can't wait to see where that goes!

Just like I can't wait to see what will happen next in Jane's private life. I love watching her detect, but I love watching her being a friend and girlfriend even more. Mostly because in a way she is absolutely not smooth and skilled when it comes to relationships of whatever kind, but she's so pure and honest and real and open. It's impossible NOT to love Jane and therefore I'm not surprised that this amazing and loving guy(s) fell for her so hard.

I can't wait for the next book to be published!