A review by heyjudy
Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 23 by Karuho Shiina


(Contains light spoilers.)

This volume has been a while coming, even if it was terrible.

Pretty much this entire volume was focused on Yano and Kento’s relationship. And even though it needed to happen, and everyone knows it was coming, I won’t say too much. I won’t spoil it all.

I will say that I found myself relating to Yano a lot here. She doesn’t see herself in a very good light, and what’s happening with her and Kento is hard. She wanted it to work, but it’s just not. Her whole thought process on it actually hit a pretty soft spot for me, and it was a little hard to read at times.

But it’s good that it happened, and now they can do what they need to. Yano can do what she needs to do for herself, find herself freely now. I also like Pin’s part in her story, though I will admit to hoping he starts playing a bigger part at some point. I like how he pushes her and how he sees her.

Now the next story must be for Kazehaya and Sawako, right? That’s going to be heartbreaking but hopefully not terrible.

I just love this series so much. Can’t wait for the next one.

A review copy was provided by the publisher, VIZ Media, for an honest review. Thank you so, so much!

[Read more at my blog, Geeky Reading!]