A review by mayetra
Goddess of Spring by P.C. Cast


I've just started the book and I'm up to chapter 7. Right away I'm miffed because it is obvious to me that P.C. Cast doesn't know anything about mythology. The main character Lina is Italian, she had prerequisite Italian grandmother who taught her to bake and cuss in Italian . Once she is whisked off to see Demeter, she gushes at the beauty of the Bay of Naples (You know... in Italy.) But all the names of the god/dess are from the Greek Pantheon. Yes, the Roman's absorbed the Greek Gods, absorbing things they like from the cultures they conquered was kind of their thing. Except, they renamed them and changed their personalities to more closely resembled the morals and norms of their culture.
Demeter became Ceres. Persephone became Proserpine and Hades became Pluto. For someone who loves Greek Mythology (it's much spicier than the Roman counterpart), it was annoying to read about an Italian, who is obviously been whisked into the Roman version of this myth, being surrounded by the Greek versions.

Next point, if Persephone doesn't have any of her goddess powers then how is she going to bring a touch of Spring to the bakery? Also, the whole reason that Demeter is switching them is Persephone is spoiled and immature. If Persephone is not competent & mature enough to be trusted to take on the duty of fixing up the Underworld than she is surely not competent enough to save the bakery. Another point on this line of thinking, sure Lina has access to information if she tries hard enough but even Demeter sends her with an escort to explain thing that she doesn't know about. Lina still seems to be basically "lost" in a world that she barely understands. Persephone has access to information from Lina's mind but we can assume that things will not make sense to her as well and she has no access to help. The transfer implies that Persephone had no idea the exchange was being made.

I'll continue for a few more chapters to see how the story takes shape but honestly, every time the Italian starts working with the Greek Pantheon I feel my eye start to twitch.