A review by rosreads
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas



Can I give it 5 multiple stars? Because 5 stars are not enough to describe how beautiful this book is. I love how the world were built, with seven kingdoms and all their glory. I love how the plot flew beautifully, with serious impact I really didn’t expect.
Sarah actually knocked me with some parts in this book. I wanna sceam out loud after I learned the truth, but I can’t blame anyone. I can’t blame Tamlin, I can’t blame Feyre, they have their reasons, yet I still want to bang my head against the wall.
Another plus for this book, it contains ART. Oh, how I love books with art inside. Magic, painting, music, and roses. So many roses, my favorite flower.

I really love the all characters.

She did everything she could to keep her family alive, even though his sisters were such a bitch, even though her father did nothing but add more burden onto her shoulder. She was such a strong character, like all Sarah’s badass female heroines. Yet she had her own dark side, just a reminder to us even the kindest person has their own shadow.
”Why should I trust a word you say? You’re all masters of spinning truths to your own advantages.”
”Is this really what you care to know about me? If I find you more handsome than human men, and if I have a man back home? Why bother to ask at all, when I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life?”
Good girl :D

Meet The High Lord from Spring Court

He was awkward at first. I almost always laugh everytime I read some chapters with his effort to make Feyre liked him. He was also fragile creature. Strong outside, but when it came to the person he cared about, he would do everytning, even if it crushed himself, to save them. You couldn’t ask for hotter male more than Tamlin, lol. Poor Tamlin, he had had done everything he could to save his court, but he still could let it all be wasted for love.
”I smelled you. I searched for you, and you weren’t there. You drove me mad. I searched for you, and you weren’t there. When I didn’t find you, it made me pick another. She asked me not to be gentle with her, either. I would be gentle with you, though.”
”I would have had you moaning my name throughout it all. And I would have taken a very, very long time, Feyre.”
PRAISE THE HIGH LORD. How could you resist it?

Oooh please give me a brother like Lucien! His mouth were smarter than his brain, I thought *grins*. He had serious tragedy in his own life, but he was so strong to endure more tragedies when he came to Spring Court. Beside Tamlin’s emissary, he was also his closest friend, together they both endure pain and hopelessness, yet he still laugh, still made jokes.

I contemplate to strangle him at first, but then... then... I don’t know. He was so full of darkness, full of mischief, I can’t decide what to do with him. But he’s the most sensual High Lord being, and did you dare refuse sexy Rhys who could easily control your mind? He had his own pain, he had his own loneliness, and he had his own way to save his court. Truth be told, I like Rhys, a lot.
”Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all.”

Devil pig Queen. I think that sentence would be enough to describe her.

And now my biggest question is, how could I wait another year to read the sequel? I’m already dying. Yes, it’s not a cliffhanger, but still I catch some parts where I could swear it would be problems in book two. Especially that final part between Feyre and Rhys. *sigh heavily*
Let’s hope we will have one of those three Fae hotties to be a cover in book two. *wink wink*