A review by luann
A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever by Marla Frazee


This was fun! I especially enjoyed the times the text and the illustrations were at odds with each other. For example, when James' mother dropped him off at Bill and Pam's for the week, it reads: "He had never been away from home for an entire week, so he was very sad when his mother drove away." And the picture shows James with a huge smile waving and yelling "Bye!" There were several examples of that throughout the book, which always made me chuckle.

I really enjoyed Marla Frazee's illustrations for [b:All the World|6562659|All the World|Elizabeth Garton Scanlon|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1261156591s/6562659.jpg|6755510], written by Elizabeth Garton Scanlon. I found the illustrations here to be just as nice. This was her first Caldecott Honor and All the World was her second. The illustrations definitely add to the text and help to flesh out the characters.

I did have a bit of a problem with Eamon's grandparents always being referred to by their first names, but then I know that's just a personal preference. It didn't ruin my enjoyment of the characters or the story. I thought Marla Frazee got the characters of the boys down perfect and the characters of the grandparents as well. VERY fun!

Oh, and don't forget the "photos" of the boys at nature camp that are on the endpapers. I enjoyed them a lot after I'd read the book and knew the personalities of the boys.