A review by jamies_shelves
Shameless Puckboy by Saxon James, Eden Finley

funny lighthearted fast-paced


I really loved this story so much! And I wasn't expecting to. I actually stopped reading this series originally at this point and went back and read some of Eden and Saxon's other books because I wasn't sure I'd like the dynamic between Lane and Oskar.

Boy was I wrong.

Not only were they so cute and fun, but they were hot! (Like honestly this book has me wondering if I have some type of exhibition kink I need to explore because damnnnn was I into it.)

I really liked getting to learn more about Oskar and where he's coming from. I am not someone who has ever experienced pretty privilege in my life, but I definitely have been judged just based on my looks (as any plus sized person has) so I definitely understand him feeling like he needs to change his personality sometimes to counteract that.

I love that Lane saw through the bullshit, and never made him feel bad for it.

I was also worried about the age gap when it made a point to say Lane's age, but thankfully besides the hilarious daddy jabs at the beginning, it really never came up or was noticeable again. (Unlike in West and Jasper's relationship imo.)

I love that they were both willing to sacrifice for each other and that everything was resolved quickly. I'll forever love Eden and Saxon for not putting unnecessary drama/break ups/miscommunication in their books. Love you ladies forever.

I am so happy that I paused this series to go back and read The Fake Boyfriend series, then reread CU Hockey and books one and two before this. BECAUSE THOSE CAMEOS WERE EVERYTHING!!!

We basically got almost everyone.

Fake Boyfriends:
Damon we had a ton! And mentions of Maddox even though nothing on page. Ollie and Lennon! Soren (never Jet though, but we did get a mention!)!

CU Hockey
We got a good amount of Foster this time and Zach! (Though he didn't speak lol!)
Beck and Jacobs! And such a great scene of the hall pass! I just wish Dex was there and Beck could ask him if he ever read his DM lol!
COHEN!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT COHEN!! Sadly no Seth, but it made me so happy! Though the calling him Richard threw me off.
Asher and Kole!
West and Jasper! (And Anton finally learning that Ezra slept with Asher, can't believe he never figured it out.) And the little hint that these years later Asher and West are laughing and on such good terms! I could cry.

And of course we got all of the other Puckboys.

I'm so excited to read Aleks story and see Lane make his money because he will DEFINITELY be falling for the first guy he dates.