A review by mountie9
Black Ice by Andy Lane


The Good Stuff

Enjoyed the fleshing out of the character of Mycroft
More fast paced than the first story in series -- which I think will interest the intended audience a little more
Nice light humour
You can really see how this Sherlock could develop into Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock
Love how the author throws in some history, science etc so subtlety that kids won't pick up the fact that they are learning stuff
The historical notes at the end are a fabulous addition
Lots of twists and turns
Need to find out what Mrs Egaltine's agenda is
Not as dark as book 1
Accidentally read book #3 instead of book #2 -- but didn't feel too lost or disorientated from missing it (Now going to start book #2 to fill in the blanks)

The Not So Good Stuff

Still a wee bit slow - it works, but might turn off some more reluctant readers

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"This is all very interesting," Sherlock said cautiously, but I'm not likely to take up fishing as a hobby. It seems to consist of a whole lot of sitting around waiting for something to happen. If I'm going to sit around for a long period of time, I'd rather have a good book in my hands than a fishing rod."

"Less than an hour before he had been running for his life through dark tunnels, and now he was sitting in the sunshine waiting for cake to arrive. Life could be strange, sometimes. Actually, he reflected, life could be strange a lot of the time."

"The problem with life," Mycroft observed. "is that it rarely gives us what we want, or even what we need. I've heard it said that the Lord does not give us anything that we cannot cope with. In my experience this is not true, and merely serves as a mechanism for helping religious people accept the unacceptable. Life is harsh, and we cannot even hope to survive it."

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Perfect for boys 10 and up who like action and mystery
Might be more suited for a stronger reader rather than a reluctant reader, but that is just my uneducated guess
Jake is going to love this in probably a year or two -- he's a wee bit sensitive so I am going to wait for a while
Girls will enjoy this as well - especially the more "tomboy" type

4.25 Dewey's

I received this from HarperCollins in Exchange for an Honest Review