A review by benedettal
One Two Three Four: The Beatles in Time by Craig Brown


I guess this is a fine biography, if you can call it that when the focus really isn’t on the individuals at all. I don’t think I know the band any more intimately, but I think the goal of this book was to more so give a sense of their meteoric rise to fame. It does give a lot of things for granted, which maybe is okay because it means that it’s less descriptive. I guess I just don’t necessarily care so much about the thoughts of random fans or even some more famous one who were mentioned by one name only to be explained further in a footnote, idk I just thought it was a little clunky. 
I think the problems likely have to do with market saturation. Did anyone really need another beatles biography? Probably not, so this one is trying to do something different. Or maybe I’m just not used to the focus having to be split between so many people. 
What I did appreciate was the lack of sugarcoating of the whoring and drug use of the early days, that was funny. But I don’t think the author kept that edge throughout, idk. Anyways, still good enough.