A review by hannahmaybookreviews
You Let Me In by Lucy Clarke


Book 12 of 2019 ๐Ÿ“š
March Read: 1 ๐Ÿ“–
Title: You Let Me In
Author: Lucy Clarke
Pages: 406
My Rating: 4/5
Synopsis๐Ÿ–‹- Whilst spending two weeks in France to focus on her writing, Elle rents out her perfect home in Cornwall to who she thinks was a little family wanting a holiday. However when she returns things don't quite feel like they once did in her home. Elle has a feeling she is being watched, she locks and double checks her doors and windows but she still hears footsteps and see's shadows. Elle puts it down to her imagination, but someone knows her secrets, someone wants revenge and that someone has a key!
Review ๐Ÿ“- It took me a while to get used to the flow of the book due to the two story lines and another character's perspective. However when I overcome this, You Let Me In was gripping throughout with a feel of eeriness.
I generally did not see the twists and turns coming- I was kept on my toes. I found myself really sympathising with Elle and quite scared for her well being despite her just being a character.
I have to say for me the ending was rather full on and too much seemed to happen all at once after the eerie build up. All of a sudden the book started to be action packed which threw me off slightly. This is just a small critic however and I generally enjoyed this thriller!