A review by adrienner
Submerge by K.Y. Robinson


Any time I pick up a book of poetry, I think of my Irish grandmother, who loved poetry and gave me several poetry books. She died in 2014 and it has been too long since I picked up a collection of poetry. I was provided a free e-book copy of this book by the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Submerge is divided into three parts. It can be easy to fly through a book of poetry. The sections helped me to stop and reflect on the poems I had read. The artwork at each section is beautiful and gives a peak into what to expect in the following poems.

The theme of water flows throughout the book, making the poems well connected. This is the first poetry book I've read that has kept on theme so well.

Several poems resonated with me. I felt like they were a gift. Poetry most seems like the soul of the poet laid bare. I'll admit sometimes I struggle with poetry to know if it is memoir or fiction. Submerge is telling a story. The poems about depression and bipolar disorder are accurate. She illustrates with words exactly how it feels, better than I've ever read in any prose or poetry.