A review by melissarstone
Same But Different: Teen Life on the Autism Express by Ryan Elizabeth Peete, Holly Robinson Peete


It's one of my many job perks as a librarian that I get to order materials for the library's permanent collection. This book popped up in one of the more recent catalogs and I couldn't resist. It showed up two months ago and I immediately checked it out. It took me an hour to read, roughly. The book itself is narrated by a set of twins. The boy is Autistic while his sister isn't and the short stories inside go back and forth from their points of view. I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed it very much. The boy is more severe on the spectrum than my son, but so much of what he experiences is all too familiar. I recommend this book to anyone who knows someone on the spectrum or is just plain curious as to what life is like in my house.