A review by anabelsbrother
Fully Ignited by Shannon Stacey


E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher and Netgalley.

3.5 stars

I love Scotty Kincaid from the glimpses I got of him from the previous books, and I'm glad that his book didn't disappoint.

Scott has always been regarded as a sort of a player, and seeing the happiness surrounding his friends and their newfound loves is making him long for one of his own, so he decides to take a break from the field until he meets a woman he could see himself settling down with. And then he meets Jamie Rutherford, who is assigned to Engine 59 as a temporary replacement for their injured lieutenant slash Scott's brother-in-law, Danny Walsh.

I just love Jamie from the beginning; I always have a soft spot and a huge ton of respect for a girl who excels in a male-dominated field. Her chemistry with Scott is instant, and I love how they are being adults about the whole working in the same space thing. I also love the Kincaid family cameos; they are planning Lydia and Aiden's wedding in this, and the chocolate cake thing is one of my favourite scenes in the book.

Overall, this has been an entertaining read, and I might have been a little weepy at the epilogue.