A review by jessica_
The Butcher by Jennifer Hillier


This was almost a great story, but the characters ruined it for me.
They all sucked -.-

You have the former police detective who hates all this PC bullshit and misses the days he could objectify woman, be casually racist, and just say whatever he wanted without being judged.
I will however remember him as one of the greatest serial killers of fiction even if his kills required some plot convince.

Matt, the worst boyfriend in the world, who’s not ready for a commitment with his girlfriend of 3 years as his priorities is work. Not that thats bad in itself, he’s open and honest about his priorities, but his narcissism was exhausting (and I usually LOVE a narcissistic character. But he was pathetic with his ‘oh I get so angry and lash out’ 'its not my fault, I can’t control my anger’ boohoo, woe is me- he has the emotional intelligence/regulations of a 3 year old.
However, given the psychological stuff that he goes through in this book he is my favourite of all the terrible characters

His girlfriend Samatha was the worst. She started off interesting as she wants to find the serial killer who killed her mother. But she just can’t stop herself from hating and degrading any woman who dares come in contact with their boyfriend or best friend. Constantly calling them sluts or airheads because *gasp* they are attractive
Through in the most boring “love triangle” that a 5 year old could tell how it was going to end- it was bad.

On top of that everyone goes out of their way to say this woman sounded blonde, this 15 year old girlfriend was a slut... what is with the overwhelming amount of just hatred towards women in this book? I expect it from the serial killer but its everyone?!

The plot itself was entertaining and fact paced and if even one of the characters wasn't detestable, and if you removed that stupid love triangle, this could have been a five star read.