A review by crimsonpermanentassurance
Gone South by Robert R. McCammon


I first read this when I was 14 years old, devouring it on the annual pilgrimage to Prince Edward Island, a two-day car journey on the Trans Canada with not a whole lot to look at besides trees and traffic. It was an engaging, page turner of a southern gothic then, and it still holds up, 20+ years later.

This copy is an old friend, travelling with me from town to town to city, and I picked it up to read again on a whim. As I read about Dan, Clint, Flint, Pelvis, and Arden, I was reminded of how much like stew or sauce (or gumbo) a good book can be - gaining in depth of flavour and dimension with time. The book, of course, remains as it was written, but the 20 years of growing and living has deepened my appreciation for all the characters and the under-story beneath the tightly-written adventure.