A review by cathy_acasefullofbooks
Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt


I downloaded this book a few years ago when the Kindle version was free. I've avoided it since because I simply didn't know enough about it. But I finally read it and was pleasantly surprised.

Millie was born in prison, which means she has to stay there until she is eighteen and evaluated for possible release. Her parents are virtually comatose, she has no friends, and she spends her free time reading about the Nation so she can pass her test and get out.

But things on the outside aren't quite what she expected. People she saw one day are gone the next, never to be seen again. The laws often don't make sense, and she sees the rich exploiting their positions to twist those laws in their favor.

I was optimistic about a second book, but since this was published in 2011, maybe not?