A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Debt by Karina Halle


I don't know how Karina Halle does it. I simply don't. She churns out amazing book after amazing book, and The Debt is no exception. I loved Jessica and Keir, their story is so heartbreaking from both perspectives. These two are just tragic victims of the same accident, although they are coming from different sides. Reading about the two of them be able to interact with each other, and start to feel something for each other is incredibly heartwarming. These two people are some of the most closed off people I've ever read about, and being able to visualize their closely guarded hearts open was incredibly touching. But there was also heartbreak, and the worst part is I understood both sides. It was a rock and a hard place scenario. It was beautiful and tragic all that same time. Still I have to give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. The .5 star dock doesn't have anything to do with the book itself, just that I've read what a Karina Halle 5 star book reads like, and there is something just a little bit missing in this one. Still check out the author because you can't get much better.