A review by jess_mango
Peony in Love by Lisa See


I give Lisa See's latest novel Peony in Love 3.5 stars, but since goodreads doesn't support 1/2 stars AND I am feeling generous, I will round it up to 4.

Good things about this book:
1) Obviously well researched on 17th century China, in particular the lives of women of that time.
2) A new euphenism for S-E-X: Clouds and rain
3) Made me happy to have been born in 20th century America where I can wear my size 8 kitten heels without being ashamed of the size of my GIGANTIC feet.

Not so good things, in my opinion:
1) The first part of the book was a bit slow going with all its talk of the plot of the opera The Peony Pavilion.
2) I never really connected with the main character Peony she seemed boring and dull... forever mooning for her one true love that she met for all of 5 minutes.
3) I felt See kept pounding it into my skull how much Peony's life followed the plot of Peony in Love. I get the point already!