A review by literarypengwyns
Night Music by Jenn Marie Thorne


DNF at Chapter 22 (50% through)

I wanted to like this book. I really really did. Premise sounded cute and different and interesting (YA summer romance set in NYC classical music scene). It just fell so flat and I couldn’t keep forcing myself to read something that I still didn’t care about half way into it (so many books, so little time)

Ruby is the youngest in a family of famous classical musicians/composers. She doesn’t make it into the summer program that all of her family have been in and decides to give up piano (I’m sure there is more to this, but half way through and you never find out more). Oscar is the “diversity checkbox” prodigy that is living with Ruby’s family so her dad can be his mentor. He is crazy talented and sees Ruby as his muse. They have a very forced on the reader romance. It didn’t have a slow build or even a quick jump into...it was literally just told to the reader. Ruby also is trying to find out what to do with her future now that she isn’t pursuing a classical music future and reconnects with her old friend, Jules. I think Jules is supposed to be the less privileged, grounding force of a friend, but really just comes off grumpy and snarky and I’m always uncomfortable reading their interactions because IS SHE BEING MEAN OR SNARKY??

Anyway, half way through (and I mean, I kept telling myself that I had to read up until that point...I didn’t want to) and there isn’t any clear plot definition and too much up in the air and a romance that feels so forced and a friendship that has me uncomfortable. Maybe this speaks to someone else, but not me.