A review by littlebookhunter07
The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead


The Glittering Court was defiantly an interesting and enjoyable read. I had a few problems with it, however for the most part I am glad that I picked it up. The plot of this story is, basically, a countess doesn't want to go through with a marriage that will benefit her people financially. She runs away to the glittering court and imposes as her maid, Adelaide. The glittering court is kind of like a school for the lower class of women and they are transformed into respectable ladies and married off to people who bid on them, however if the ladies get more than one bid, they get to choose who they are potentially wed to.
I enjoyed the story and what I could see from the characters. The writing was engaging and easy to read and even though there were points that I had a problem with I was always thinking about it and I wanted to read more as soon as I had the time to. The book took me out of a reading slump so I am grateful for that.
There's a part in the middle where you don't know how a few things are going to get resolved and it transports you into a whole different plot. I didn't mind the last half of the book, it was interesting to see how the main character adapted to the life style, but the last 50 or so pages made it feel like the story was unfinished. There were big time gaps that made it hard to really see the friendships in this book form. You saw the romance form but not in the way I would have liked; some parts I believed in the romance and then there were other parts that weren't quite executed properly. I would have liked to get to know the other characters better and know why they did some of the things that they did. I know that this book is one in three that will come out and each book will be in a different POV starting from the beginning of the story. Richelle Mead has said that the other two book will fill in some holes so I am excited to read the other two and see if they help the story along or if we will be left with even more questions.