A review by csistek
The Color of Always: An Lgbtqia+ Love Anthology by Brent Fisher, Michele Abounader


Thank you to A Wave Blue World for the eGalley to review!

This was an excellent collection of stories created by different artists and writers. I love the different issues or depictions of queer life each one provides. No two stories are the same, but they are all inspiring and personal, thought-provoking looks into different sections of the queer community. While not all had happy endings, all had something to give for readers to take away and see the world (and maybe even themselves) in different perspectives.

I think those new to the community would get the most out of this collection, as so many of the stories provide windows and mirrors into the possibilities that are out there for them--they're coming out stories, self-discoveries, and reflections on the mistakes made and self-acceptance earned through the queer journey. I also think those outside of the community would benefit from reading these stories, as they offer a humanizing look into the lives of everyday queer folks. Yes, a couple of the stories are science fiction, but 1. who says we can't have fun with our stories, and 2. they're used for metaphors and what-ifs, like much of sci-fi is. Symbolism is strong in our community and it's on full display here--it's worth it to get to know them through the stories we tell.

Really, I truly enjoyed this collection and I loved getting to see how individual art and writing styles vary from story to story. It proves just how diverse we are as people and gives a platform to independent artists and writers who otherwise may not have been picked up for a project. So I appreciate that this collection not only gets to tell queer stories, but elevates the people behind them.

Keep in mind, however, that many of the stories tackle dark and difficult subjects (religious homophobia, sexual assault, and one involves the main character essentially stalking their ex (I did not like this one)). For every inspirational and uplifting story, there is one that grapples with the harsher realities of our lives.