A review by raven168
Forsworn by Emily Wibberley


No matter how frustrated I got with Clio (she really drove me nuts with so many of her decisions) or with what was going on between her and Riece, the story was great enough to hold me and wanting more. Something was always happening plus we learn a lot more about the history of the Oracles and their deities. And at the end we get a pretty interesting surprise about Clio's mother.

Much like the first book though, I still had a hard time remembering how young Clio is sometimes. She has changed a lot since the last book that's for sure. With her decision to stay with Derik she has gained a title that sometimes is harder for her to deal with than others. As the king's mistress she is allowed many freedoms and is able to pass off her visions as info from her spies. The title she most embraces though is that of a warrior. She has most definitely become a fierce warrior and even the soldiers respect her. Sheehan has been under siege by the untouched and she uses her Sight to know where they would be attacking from and allowing the soldiers to keep them out. Leading them is a fierce marked warrior that enjoys the kill immensely. When he is seemingly defeated, the kingdom celebrates but Clio is still on edge. And that's when Riece comes back into her life. And he's not alone.

I definitely still love Riece. He hasn't changed nearly as much as Clio, though he tries. Mostly by getting engaged to a princess. He quite enjoyed Clio's jealousy despite how much she denies it. For the longest time they are pretty much at each other's throats and that's what frustrated me the most. I just wanted Clio to tell Riece the truth and for the two of them to get back together. But even with their hostility there are moments where the two of them are almost like they used to be.

When a false vision leads to the downfall of Sheehan, Clio flees along with Riece and her three vessels. Along with Riece's betrothed who pretty much over night becomes Clio's friend even though she had hated the princess with a passion until then. They travel back to Morek and things quickly go downhill. After seeking out information, Riece is arrested and Clio ends up being dragged with him (all be it willingly). What was going on behind the scenes of court at Morek was something that Riece had never thought about but things were manipulated to get him tried for treason. I really liked how that whole thing went down and worked out. And I am quite curious as to what the future will be like with what was bestowed upon him there.

The reason that Clio and the others went to Morek was to get Riece's army back. See, the marked warrior I mentioned earlier is actually pretty much a fallen deity. He wants to use Clio in order to get revenge on the other deities for a huge wrong done to him in the past. After sharing his side of the story with Clio, I sure was leaning more toward believing him over the deities that Clio listens to. But not Clio. She keeps telling herself that she has made her decision and will remain their loyal servant. It's not until the very end when she learns more from an unexpected girl that Clio wakes up to a truth that she didn't want to see. And with that she makes a declaration that I was glad she did because it was about time.

Copy provided by author's street team.