A review by aksmalley
Finding Casey by Jo-Ann Mapson


6/10⭐️. Finding Casey by Jo-Ann Mapson
I had never heard of Jo-Ann Mapson before reading this book. She mainly writes contemporary women’s fiction. I picked this one up because I’m going through an “American Southwest” phase. I am just sort of obsessed with the area and am reading all kinds of things based there. This one is set in New Mexico and follows the lives of a blended family, where each member has a some deep inner turmoils that they are trying to work through. There is a secondary storyline about a woman, who is part of a local cult, reminiscent of Waco, who escapes to take her dying daughter to seek medical care. This was the storyline I found most interesting. Eventually these two storylines converge.
I found many things I liked about this book. But it is the second in a series and although it is supposed to be a stand alone novel, I found that I didn’t form many emotional attachments to the blended family because those characters weren’t developed as much. This is mainly because they were developed in a well loved book that came earlier called Solomon’s Oak. So I wish I had read Solomon’s Creek first. This book is in a style that is reminiscent to me of Anne Tyler. So if you like Tyler you may give Mapson’s books a try. But start with Solomon’s Oak.😀