A review by anakin_wiser
In Plain Sight by C.J. Box


DNF. I was torn for the first few books. I really like the family: Joe, Mary Beth, Sheridan, Lucy. I like Joe's relationships with his wife and daughter Sheridan. I really like Nate, and all the other local "oddball" relationships - although Sheriff Barnum got to be a caricature a couple of books ago. But. The violence, cruelty to people and animals, became too much to get past, to get to good stories. I'm not naive, I'm not anti-hunting, I'm not looking for a "no violence in mystery thrillers" unicorn...but I read to escape, and I especially need to escape cruelty and craven violence these days. These just feel different to me than books by writers like William Kent Krueger and Paul Doiron. Reluctantly turning elsewhere.