A review by thecleanreadbookclub
The Paris Soulmate by Brooke Gilbert


This is such an interesting story because it's a instant attraction/love trope for both of the main characters that spans out over a 7 days trip in the heart of Paris, France. The length in the trip and great detail added still lets the insta love feel be there, but gives it substance rather than just an infatuation feel.

I love dual POV books and was so glad this one had it. Both of our main characters needed to let us inside of their heads and I think that really benefited this book. The descriptions are thorough and gives the reader a real feel of Paris.

Christine was such an interesting character to read about. She is a lot of walls, fears, regrets and wishes for the future. It was fun to see one of her dreams come true throughout this book in getting herself to Paris. Add that with an intriguing MCC, mistaken identities, meddling old ladies and you've got quite the tale to tell!

I thought it was endearing to have the storyline that it did because it showed the hero of the story to be nothing short of amazing. It was intriguing to find a character arc for him later on in the book too. Just when you thought you had him all figured out, he ends up surprising you even more.

I enjoyed all of the movie suggestions and references. If you're a lover of the arts-in any medium that right there should be a bonus to reading this book!

I applaud the author for her representation of autoimmune diseases and major health challenges. She does a great job letting the reader in on those complications and what those situations can entail.

Thanks to the author and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.