A review by frauwonka
Finn's Fantasy by K.C. Wells


This was not for me
I love a good age gap romance and the blurb was great (as is the blurb for book 2 of this series), that's why I decided to give this new series and K. C. Wells (as a new author for me) a try. But it didn't work out between us, I'm afraid. It wasn't a bad book; there were no logical holes or unaccounted incidents. So, I think, it's a personal thing.
My biggest issue with the book is, that I didn't like its pace. The first half of the book was quite boring for me - we get to know a lot about the two MCs, their families, their friends, but it takes ages until we see the two of them together, not to mention see them interact. There was no real attraction for me between them, no pull; I didn't want to absolutely continue reading until they finally meet and talk. More often than not I put the book away and did something else.
And when they finally do get together (as friends) and talk, I missed the steam and the attraction. There is a lot of talking (which per se is good), but also talking in the strangest situations where action would and should win out over talking every time (not as friends anymore). Sometimes it seems like the author visibly thwarts and slows down their relationship, so it doesn't get too steamy too soon, but only for two more pages and then they end up in bed anyway which is strange.
And while the first half stretches on for forever and nothing really happens between them, it doesn't take much for them to go from nothing to everything. Which I perceived again as strange, but not steamy.

The characters were okay. Finn more so than Joel who seems to have never build or hand-crafted a thing in his life and I can't bring myself to find a 42-years-old human being adorable who has no craftsmanship whatsoever (I mean, okay, he manages some of the building tasks at the end). Additionally, he has questionable dad instincts. While it seems to be the height of impossibility for him so drive two hours to see his children, his children ALWAYS have to drive two hours to see him. He not once offers to go see them. But his 15-years-old daughter and 18-years-old son are not allowed to swear or even hear swear words and his son is not allowed to work with a saw or any tool because his dad doesn't want him to. He was a bit too conservative for me here.

What I liked about the book was Joel talking about his youth and his feelings and relationships back then; here I felt really IN the book - unfortunately, it was the only time.

I received an ARC from GRR - thank you for that - which made me willing to continue reading, otherwise I would have stopped and filed the book under "didn't finish".