A review by bookofcinz
Bird Summons by Leila Aboulela


Updated August 2021
Made this a BookOfCinz Book Club pick and I am so happy I did!

Wow! What an adventure! Perfect exploration of sisterhood!

In Leila Aboulela’s Bird Summons we meet three women who are going on a road trip to the Scottish Highlands for a week. What could possibly go wrong? On the road trip is Salma, Moni and Iman. They all decided to go when everyone in the Muslim Women’s ground decided to pull out… out of sheer pettiness Salma decided she is going, just to show everyone who pulled out, Moni and Iman decided to join here.

Salma has it all together (at least on the outside) she’s got the perfect husband and children who are doing great in their respective field. Salma feels unfulfilled, like she is losing a piece of herself, her children feels foreign to her and for the first time in a long while she feels she chose the wrong man to married. Added to this Salma recently contacted by her first love… she’s spending so much of her time wondering “what if…”

Moni can barely hold it together. She’s shut everyone, including in her husband out to take care of her disabled son. She quit her career in banking to stay home and take care of her son, she is martyr who no one seems to appreciate. She decided to go on the trip, leaving her son in a nursing home, the guilt eats her up… but it feels so good to not have the responsibility… what to do when her husband calls and asks her to choose- her son or him.

Iman is in her twenties and already in her third marriage. She is beautiful even through she pretends she doesn’t know it. Everyone wants to have some sort of ownership to Iman, people want to be her friend, men want to make her their wife… she is constantly at the wimps of other people, she just wants to be free! She’s never worked a day in her life… Her freedom comes so unexpectedly she is thrown and doesn’t know what to do.

All three are on a roadtrip that will change their lives completely!

Honestly, I wanted more of this book, I did not want it to end. I felt the author did such a beautiful job of making each character so strong and nuanced. With each character you feel like you are the only person they’ve ever let into their lives, and you feel like you never want to leave. I particularly loved how the themes of sisterhood, duty, regret, freedom and autonomy was executed.

If you are ready to go on a road trip that will teach you about other women and how they view the world- I cannot recommend this enough. If you are not reading Leila Aboulela … what you doing?