A review by mickachoo
The Affiliate by K.A. Linde


I came so close to not finishing this book. I'm proud of myself for just forcing myself to finish it so I could say I did and not waste the money I spent on it.

I didn't see a plot. I didn't hear a plot. I didn't smell a plot. I don't believe there was a plot. If there was on, I completely missed it and it sucked.

The characters were so incredibly bland. I hated Cyrene. She was an incredible bitch. Entitled, selfish, nosy, and just annoying. She was also pretty stupid too.
No one was entertaining, no one was enthralling, no one garnered my attention long enough to make me care about them. The prince and king were two horny dumbasses, the queen was cliche, the consort was just plain weird, Cyrene's friends were so one dimensional and just worshipped the ground she walked on, her siblings were assholes. And, for the love of god, what are these names and spellings?

The world building was boring, nothing made sense, the society, the monarchy, nothing. Things just kept happening and happening and I was left sitting there like "WTF?? Is that allowed?" Nothing made sense or seemed relevant. It was incredibly slow and mediocre and just dumb. I don't like this book. Goodbye.