A review by librarianonparade
Robert Kennedy: His Life by Evan Thomas


I think Bobby would have been a good president, better than his brother, largely because Bobby cared. JFK was the life-long politician, whereas Bobby was more the crusading type, a reformer. I think Bobby would really have tried to make life better for the poor, the oppressed, the dispossessed, because he identified so strongly with them. I think he would have been a good president. This is a wonderful biography, very well-written and researched. It really shows Bobby at both his best and his worst - and it breaks my heart that he was killed just as he was really coming into his own, just as he was moving out from his brother's shadow and becoming as his own man, as he'd always wanted to be. His entire life, he'd been second or even third-best, behind his elder brothers, always subsuming his own desires to the will of the family, and even after JFK he believed that the crowds that came to see him weren't for him but 'for Jack'. It's a tragedy that just as he was starting to believe in himself, he was murdered. *sniffles*