A review by kaylanightser
Bike On, Bear! by Cynthea Liu


Today, we’re going to read a story about a bear who has trouble with something. I want you to look at the cover of this book and see if you can predict what the problem in this story will be about. (Student discuss). Yes, riding a bike! Can I tell you a story? When I was in second grade, I had a really hard time taking the training wheels off my bike. I was so scared! Does anyone else know what that feels like? (Students turn and share their story, then share out 2 as a class). I’m wondering, as I look at this picture of bear with all of his friends who can ride their bikes, how are they going to treat him? How would you treat him? (Students share 2 contributions). As we read, I want you to pay attention to how Bear’s friends help to either encourage him or discourage him as he’s learning to ride. Let’s read to find out if Bear can overcome his problem of not being able to ride his bike.

Opening Moves:
Prompt predictions based on the title
Share a personal connection you have with the text
Invite personal connections

I selected Bike On, Bear! for my growth mindset text set because it’s an example of a challenge being taken on and overcome. This book shows the feelings of Bear as he fails repeatedly, which could lead to a classroom conversation about the feelings we have when we fail at something we’re trying hard to do, even if we're "brainier than a monkey". The encouragement of Bear’s friends in the illustrations is also something the class would discuss to hopefully steer our own interactions with friends in the same direction.