A review by always_need_more_books
The Smallest Man by Frances Quinn


The Smallest Man is about a boy called Nat Davy who as the book starts is 10 years old and very much wants to grow taller, hoping a fairy at the local fair can grant his wish. But as the circus folk take an interest in him, Nat realises he is different – he is a dwarf. He is much loved by his mother and brother but his father thinks him unlucky and a burden and sells him to the Duke of Buckingham who in turn gifts him to 15 year old Queen Henrietta, presented in a pie much to her delight.
Nat becomes her friend and confidant but his life with the royal family is not without problems. He is mocked for his size and has to try hard to earn the respect of his peers. He makes good friends along the way including Jeremiah who is very tall so knows what it is like to be different.
Nat’s life is an eventful one, travelling across Europe with the Queen during the English Civil War, facing danger when they return to England and escaping with the Queen to her native France when it becomes too dangerous for her to stay.
Nat Davy is not a real person but is based on Jeffrey Hudson who was indeed the court dwarf to Queen Henrietta. Nat himself is a made up character and there are both similarities and differences between the two men. I really enjoyed this read – I love reading historical fiction from a period I am not familiar with and Quinn does a great job of weaving an interesting story within a historical period without being too heavy with the number of characters or political goings on. I sometimes find historical novels a bit dense with the amount of detail an author wants to include – they have done the research and rightly want to include it all. And while I do enjoy these novels, sometimes they are a little hard going, trying to keep track of all the events and characters.
A fascinating read with a superb central character in Nat, who is brave and courageous, yet vulnerable. A well crafted and researched debut novel which I thoroughly enjoyed! I’m looking forward to Quinn’s next novel, That Bonesetter Woman due out in July 2022!