A review by haletostilinski1
Cask Strength by Layla Reyne


Me after finishing this:


Because at the end Jamie STILL HAS NOT TOLD AIDAN WHAT HE KNOWS ABOUT GABE!! AND TOM!! ARGHH!! *shakes fist*

It left me tense throughout this whole book, just WAITING for Jamie to tell him and it DIDN'T HAPPEN!!! ARGHHH!! I'm so frustrated!!! But these books have got me hooked and I need Jamie to tell Aiden at the start of the next book like right away because I can't fucking take him having that secret anymore. I need everything out in the open so we can get through that angst and get to the happy ending.

Buttt....in a three part series, it's clear it's being left for the last one to not only frustrate us (i.e. me!!) but also make us for sure want to read the next (not that I wouldn't have read it, there's still so much going on even without Jamie's secret.)

Anywayyy, even with that frustration (I seriously screamed "just fucking tell him!!!" in my head while reading several times) I fucking loved this book.

It was kind of a filler but not filler at the same time. Jamie and Aidan are ordered to take another case to put Renaud, the terrorist after them, "off their scent" so he'll think they're not looking into him for a bit, like they're taking a breather. That's what they're ordered to do by Mel, anyway. So the whole book focuses mainly on a different case (while still weaving the main plot of Renaud in and out throughout the book) and of course, Aidan and Jamie's relationship (which can't be fully in the happy ending category until Jamie! FUHREAKING! TELLS! AIDAN!!) and it gets these two from "casual" sex to a serious relationship.

Seriously, these two

like part of me is like "it's only been a year and half, less than that even, since Gabe died, Aidan can't fall in love that quickly when he started to series so full of grief" but then the rest of me is like "shit, who cares, I love these two together and they're so amazing together, so fuck that!" letting that go, I just let myself enjoy these two together because they're perfect for each other.

They're hot (The sex scenes, whoo boy! *fans self*) and adorable together and so fucking in love that its disgusting (i.e. incredibly beautiful and wonderful and I cry) and also? I just loved how jealous they got over others who interested in the other. It was delicious.

These two face some obstacles in their developing relationship (mostly Aidan himself, which is understandable) but other factors enter into it as well, but they whether and come out the better for it (which I know they will do once Jamie tells Aiden the truth, although it won't be as easily fixed as their relationship problems in this one) .

More than anything, this book made me believe in how much these two love each other, and although I dread the angst and fallout from the big secret, I also know they won't be able to stay away from each for long, and they'll work it out.

Can't wait for the last book, because I sooo need to know what happens!! Because
SpoilerMel might be working for Renaud, whattt???? I didn't want to believe that so I just kinda pushed that suspicion aside. That's also one of the big reasons I want to tune into the next book, because I gotta know if Mel is working for the bad guy or not. AHHH, so much craziness!

If you haven't read this yet, and you've read the first, you gotta read this, you just gotta :D