A review by stevenk
Coolidge by Amity Shlaes


Calvin Coolidge is often overlooked when reviewing American History, his presidency taking place between the first World War and the Great depression, and I enjoyed learning about the 30th President. A family tradition of public service lead Coolidge to become Governor of Massachusetts, Vice President, and eventually President of the US (first by serving the last half of Harding's term then being elected in his own right). This book gave a quick overview of his life in College, in state government, party politics and his rise to the Presidency. He was a limited governmenter who stuck to his frugal Vermont principles to an extent that I don't think would be possible today, and I admired him for that even if it is one of the reasons he is an often overlooked President. Unlike many men that become President, he didn't see the benefit in doing something just to do something, even if it meant not taking action in the face of adversity. I'd rate this book 3.5 stars if Goodreads allowed half stars.