A review by beckiebookworm1974
Kingdoms of Night: A standalone fantasy romance anthology by May Sage, May Sage, Emma Hamm, Lexi C. Foss


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My Review

X-Clan: The Origin by Lexi C. Foss 4 stars

I enjoyed this a lot it’s a prequel and features Jonus and Riley. I was incredibly excited to learn more about these two and their particular backstory ever since first encountering them previously in Andorra Sector. This one can easily be read as a stand-alone and was such an easy read. This is Omegaverse set in a dystopian future where a virus has devastated the earth totally changing society beyond all recognition. The virus mutates humans into mindless Zombies and here Riley an Omega wolf is tirelessly devoted to finding a cure to the scourge.

Riley hides her Omega designation from others believing that any alpha mate will only try and coral and control her taking away her life work and ultimately her freedom. Riley uses suppressors to hold off her heat and to give off the scent of a beta but they’re no longer working and she needs more than ever to hold off the inevitable heat and it’s all the fault of her current guard Jonus an Alpha X-Clan wolf who just smells so good to both Riley and her inner wolf.

Jonus wants Riley though she’s a beta he can’t help but crave her with an intense passion even if the little wolf herself challenges him at every turn. Riley is hostile and prickly and downright rude all in an attempt to push the delicious Alpha away. When the compound is breached both Riley and Jonus find themselves thrown together miles from civilisation and even worse Riley goes into heat totally blowing her beta cover. Now Jonus knows what she is and he has every intention of knotting and claiming the small feisty omega that he now knows is his potential mate.

I liked how strong and relatable Jonus was he wasn’t a hot-head and he was totally prepared to show Riley through his own actions how a real Alpha behaves one who cherishes and adores his mate. He is dominant sexy and totally yummy and the connection between these two was electric and so hot. Riley gets to throw all of her preconceptions out of the window as she learns through Jonus’s behaviour that the Alpha wolf she’s kept at arm's length for a year is totally the mate for her.

I loved the connection these two shared and though this wasn’t a long read I was still totally invested. This is small novel length rather than novella and there was definitely enough going on here to keep my attention. I definitely recommend this and I loved experiencing Riley and Jonus’s journey to their HEA. This was as usual well written and a fabulous addition to the series as a whole. I voluntary reviewed a copy of X-Clan The Origin.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm