A review by meliaraastair
Death in Dark Blue by Julia Buckley


Ahh, FINALLY got this one in!  (It's been on hold since I read A Dark and Stormy Murder about a week ago.)

I love this series.  I read Julia Buckley's other series this past week and it's just not the same!  It's not bad but these are great - even though there are some very just goofy and unbelievable moments.  It makes the story no less believable though! 

Lena London is back, still working with our dear famed writer, Camilla Graham, and still dating Sam West.  Even though he is free, his wife (that he was previously accused of murdering) is still missing.  Then her best friend turns up dead in Sam's yard and reporters are swarming and Lena wants nothing more than to get to the bottom of this.

Great story, great mystery, and I'm very upset to be 7 down the on hold list for book #3.  I love how this series actually is a series - not just similar stories set in the same place but story lines that continue from book to book.  Because of that though, you really have to start with book 1!

If you are a cozy mystery fan, definitely check this one out!  9 of 10 for enjoyment and 4.5 of 5 for readability.  It flies by but was enjoyable and kept me hooked.  I couldn't wait to dive back into this story so I could find out what happened next!

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